SEO Basics – Page title – SEO on-page ranking factor #1

One of the quickest ways to improve your sites SEO ranking and probably the most important on-page ranking factors is the page title meta tag. The page title meta tag should contain at least one instance of the keyword you are trying to rank highly for on Google.

The recommended maximum length of a title tag is 70 characters. The reason for this is that search engines will use the title tag in the search results displayed by the search engine. Any more than 70 characters will result in the title being cut off and not displaying correctly.

So why is the page title so important? Quite simply, search engines will use the title, and a combination of other elements, to determine the topic of the web page.

Search engines send out spiders which grab the content of the web page. You should try and use the keyword you have chosen as close to the beginning of the title as you possibly can.

Let’s say the page is about a dog walking service you are offering in particular area, say, Surrey. Then a good choice of title tag would be “Dog walking service in Surrey” or “Surrey dog walking service”. Simple and to the point. This combined with some header tags and content that describes the same service should ensure that the search engine has no confusion regarding the topic of the page.

Well that’s another post in our SEO basics on-page done. I hope you find it useful in improving your site SEO. There is so much to cover when it comes to SEO and I would encourage you to comment with topics that are of interest to you.

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